Top 10 Things Cats Hate That Humans Do

Top 10 Things Cats Hate That Humans Do

In the cozy home life, cats, as the furry members of many families, have won the hearts of countless people with their unique charm and independent personalities. However, as much as we love these four-legged angels, we often inadvertently touch their tiny boundaries. Understanding and respecting your cat's preferences and avoidance is the key to a harmonious and coexisting relationship.

Top 10 Things Cats Hate That Humans Do

Your cat hates it when you do this

1.Jackson Galaxy's book Cat Behavior discusses in detail the likes and dislikes of cats and how they react to human behavior. Some journals and magazines have also reported on this, such as Applied Animal Behavior, which states that cats show likes and dislikes to different forms of human contact.

2.A study conducted by the University of Bristol (UK) may have explored how cats react to different types of human contact (e.g., petting, cuddling, length of cuddle, etc.).

As we've seen, cats, as cute as they are, can also show a dislike or even an aversion to certain human behaviors. Today, let's explore ten things that cats generally don't like being done to by humans, so that we can share every moment with these graceful little creatures in a more subtle and thoughtful way.

Whether you're new to owning a cat or a veteran, this article will give you new insights into how to make your pet's life more harmonious and fulfilling.

Top 10 Things Cats Hate That Humans Do

Top 10 Things Cats Hate That Humans Do

1. Being Picked Up

Cats are so adorable that you want to pick them up and kiss them. However, this sudden behavior may cause the cat to feel shocked, and may even cause the cat to struggle and fight back. When a cat is forcibly picked up, it feels insecure and longs to get back on the ground immediately. Especially when the cat is held like a baby, with no support for its limbs, it will feel more uneasy and want to escape.

2. Doesn't like to be photographed often

Top 10 Things Cats Hate That Humans Do

When you see a cute cat, you want to take pictures of it, but cats don't like to be photographed, they don't know why they have to pose and they can't move around freely. In addition, the flash of cell phones or cameras can irritate the eyes of cats, so don't use them indiscriminately. If you really want to take some pictures of your cat, you can use a few snacks and toys to lure it, and you may get an unexpected, but super cute picture.

3. Doesn't like eye contact

Looking directly into your cat's eyes means provocation, and your cat thinks you're causing trouble and coming to fight. If you maintain eye contact with a cat for a long time, it is seen as aggressive and they may make preparations to 'hunt' you down. So when you meet a strange cat, you should not make direct eye contact to avoid causing unnecessary alarm to the wild cat.

4. Doesn't like you to meow at it

The cat's meow is generally used to attract human attention, for example, to drink water, change the cat litter, want someone to play with, etc. When we play with the cat back and forth, we will not be able to see the cat. When we meow back and forth with our cats, it doesn't actually mean anything, it doesn't send a message to the cat, and it can even confuse the cat, which can only look at you with a confused face.

5. Doesn't like it when you dress them

If you try to dress your cat, you will be greeted with a scratch. Cats don't like to have things added to their fur, mainly because they simply don't need it, and extra clothing can make them feel uncomfortable and restricted in their movements. Many times dressing a cat is just wishful thinking on the part of the owner to fulfill a personal preference without a real need. Therefore, if not necessary, do not force the cat to wear clothes, lest the cat secretly hate you.

6. Cats do not like to drink milk

In the impression that cats drink milk is the most normal thing, but more and more information shows that cats are not suitable for drinking milk, if you drink will lead to diarrhea. It turns out that cats have sensitive stomachs and are even lactose intolerant, so they are prone to diarrhea after drinking milk. If you really want to feed milk, you can buy milk specially designed for cats.

7. Hate change

Cats are very sensitive, especially to changes in the environment, they will easily feel stress and tension. Not only changes in the home furnishings, but also going for a walk, going to the vet, taking transportation, etc., will cause the cat to feel uneasy. This is why when the cat slave wants to take the cat out on the street, the owner will always do his best to resist, constantly meowing and acting very panicky.

8. Stop cats from scratching

Top 10 Things Cats Hate That Humans Do

It is in the nature of cats to scratch things, and it is important to smooth out their claws by scratching things, just like human nails are too long and can cause inconvenience and injuries. In addition, scratching is also a way for cats to leave a mark so that other cats know their territory. There is also a more important reason that scratching allows cats to release their emotions as well as transform their mood. Therefore, the cat should not be prohibited from scratching, and since it is quite important and healthy, the best way is to train the cat to use a scratching board, so that it can scratch at any time!

9. Being forced to take a bath

Top 10 Things Cats Hate That Humans Do

Cats are very clean, so cat slaves don't have to bathe their cats too often. Plus the cat hair itself is not easy to dry, wet off the hair also makes the cat feel uncomfortable, but also affects its normal activities.

10. Locked up

Although we always think that cats are lazy, in addition to eating is to sleep, seldom walk back and forth, it should not be a big problem to lock it in the cage, right? But in fact it is not, who does not like to be free, imagine being locked in a small cage for more than 10 hours a day, who can stand it? Therefore, if possible, do not lock up your cat to avoid emotional stress.

Have you ever done these wrong behaviors to your cat?

I believe that every cat lover loves their cats. Of course, we may inadvertently do these wrong behaviors to make your cat hate it. So now please read this article about 10 Human Behaviors Cats Hate carefully and just don't do it again in the next time you are with your cat. This way we can take better care of our cats.

Stay tuned to iPetprints as we continue to provide you with more tips about your pets.

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