My Dog Died What to Do with Body?

My Dog Died What to Do with Body?

What to Do When Your Dog Passes Away at Home

One day,your dog might pass away at home.This is a very difficult situation,and it’s understandable to feel heartbroken.Losing a beloved pet is never easy to comprehend.However,if your dog passes away at home,there are steps you should take,and decisions must be made promptly,such as whether to arrange a burial or cremation for your pet.

Related reading: Signs Your Dog is Dying: How to Recognize and Prepare

My Dog Died what to Do with Body?

For many families with dogs,this may be the first time they’ve faced the devastating news of losing a pet,and emotions are likely running high.Still,it’s important to stay calm.With that in mind,we offer some advice on handling your pet’s remains and tips to help you cope with the loss of your pet.

The Most Common Ways to Handle Your Dog’s Remains


After your dog passes,one option is to bury them.You can choose to bury your dog under a tree,which is an environmentally friendly and economical option.However,when burying your pet,be sure to dig deep and keep the area clean to ensure a proper burial.


Another common option for handling your dog’s remains is cremation.You can contact pet funeral services,which will provide the necessary cremation services.

Preservation as a Specimen

One way to handle your dog’s remains is by having them preserved as a specimen.Though it may sound unusual,this is a real option.If you have the financial means and wish to break from the traditional burial method,you can keep your dog by your side in this way.

What Not to Do After Your Dog Passes Away

What Not to Do After Your Dog Passes Away

Do not bury your dog carelessly

Decomposing animal bodies can release toxic substances and various bacteria into the soil,contaminating nearby water sources and land.Additionally,if a dog has died from unknown causes,its remains could harm other animals if consumed.

Do not discard the remains carelessly

This can lead to bacterial growth,harm human health,and damage the environment.

How to Handle Your Dog’s Ashes After Cremation

Keep them at home

If there’s no emotional burden for the family,many parents choose to bring their dog’s ashes home.It’s recommended to store the ashes in a dry,ventilated place,avoiding areas like cabinets,bedside tables,or bathrooms.

Ashes storage services

Many pet hospice services offer ash storage.Even though your pet has left,they can rest in peace with other pets.Reliable pet hospice services may even collaborate with temples or shrines to offer continued spiritual protection for your pet.

Create memorial items

Ash Necklace for Dogs Rose Gold

Your pet’s ashes can be turned into various keepsakes,such as crystal stones,keychains,pendants,or decorations,allowing your pet to stay with you in a different form.The size and number of keepsakes may depend on your pet’s size.

Burial after cremation

While it’s not advisable to bury your pet directly after passing,cremated remains can be buried.You can choose a meaningful place,such as a spot your pet enjoyed during their life,dig a small hole,bury your pet’s ashes,and mark the site.


Ashes can be scattered in natural environments like seas,rivers,or lakes,returning your pet to nature in a peaceful way.

Ways to Heal After Your Dog Passes Away

Ways to Heal After Your Dog Passes Away

Allow yourself time to grieve

Before your pet passes,you may smile and say goodbye.But once they are truly gone,don’t hold back your tears.Crying can help release most of your sorrow.Repressing your grief will only prolong the pain.

Order personalized pet memorial jewelry

Custom Pet Face Necklace Rose Gold

If you're unsure of what to do after your pet passes,consider creating a piece of memorial jewelry that honors their memory.You can personalize it with your pet’s name and face.When you receive this special gift,you’ll feel like your beloved pet is still by your side,even if they have crossed the rainbow bridge.

Hold a simple funeral

You can give your dog a small funeral as a way to say a final goodbye.It doesn’t need to be elaborate—just a quiet moment for you and your pet.At the end of their life’s journey,express your love and promise to meet again in another life.

Visit their favorite places one last time

You can visit your pet’s favorite places,take one last walk on their regular route,and greet their favorite playmates.It’s a way to reminisce about the happy times spent together.

Don’t let other pets grieve too

If you have other pets at home,avoid overwhelming them with the sadness of your loss.Pets also have emotions,and they may react more strongly to the death of a companion,sometimes even refusing to eat.

Volunteer at a pet shelter

If you have the time,volunteering at a pet shelter and caring for other animals may bring some comfort.Being surrounded by furry friends might ease your sadness.

Seek professional help

In extreme cases,some pet owners cannot cope with the loss of a pet because they viewed them as family or even as a child.If you’re unable to handle the grief,seeking help from a professional is a good idea.

Take care of yourself

Life continues even after your pet has passed.Your pet wouldn’t want to see you in despair.Take time to do things you enjoy.This may seem like a way to numb the pain,but it can help you get through this tough period.

Sometimes,remembering your pet in new ways rather than forcing yourself to forget can make your heart stronger and gentler.

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