The Science Behind Why Your Dog Looks and Acts Like You

The Science Behind Why Your Dog Looks and Acts Like You

Do Pets and Their Owners Start to Look Alike Over Time?

Honestly, when I first heard this question, I didn't believe it at all. After all, humans and dogs are two different species. With a dog's fur and facial structure, it seems impossible for them to look the same as people.

Until I saw this photo and heard their story.

01. The Story of a New York Artist

The Science Behind Why Your Dog Looks and Acts Like You

A New York artist named Brophy once had a very difficult experience.He used to be someone deeply committed to art but not good at interacting with people. Long periods of isolation and drug use led him to extreme anxiety and emptiness.He found life boring and painful until he met a dog.

This dog looked so much like him.The same messy hair, the same quiet personality.So Brophy adopted the dog and named it Rosenberg.Unexpectedly, the wheels of fate began to turn.Because he needed to share his life with another being, Brophy started to undergo changes even he didn't expect.

The Science Behind Why Your Dog Looks and Acts Like You

Considering Rosenberg's social needs, he began going out and interacting with other dog owners.He was no longer so reclusive and reconnected with the world.Of course, at first, Brophy didn't realize Rosenberg looked like him.It wasn't until one day, while walking the dog, a child said to him, "It's a bit strange, but it really looks like you."Brophy didn't think the child was impolite; he actually thought the child was right.

The wheels of fate turned again.

Being an artist, he directly started dressing in matching outfits with Rosenberg.Undressed, they already had similar vibes and expressions; once dressed up, they were indeed identical.Soon, the man and dog in matching outfits caught everyone's attention.Especially children, who thought it was incredibly amusing.

The Science Behind Why Your Dog Looks and Acts Like You

For the first time, Brophy felt the joy of bringing happiness to others, and he himself was very happy.Years have passed, and Brophy still shares his matching outfits with Rosenberg, and netizens exclaim, "The man and dog are really getting more alike."

02. Pets and Owners Looking Alike Is Not Unique

The Science Behind Why Your Dog Looks and Acts Like You

In fact, the phenomenon of dogs looking more like their owners isn't unique to artist Brophy.It might be a widespread phenomenon.Some scientists have even conducted research and experiments to prove this.

Michael Roy, a psychologist at the University of California, San Diego, once conducted an interesting experiment.He randomly selected 45 pairs of owners and their dogs at a nearby park and took separate photos of them.Then, he gave these photos to a group of strangers and asked them to try to match them.The results were surprising; the accuracy rate was as high as two-thirds!

The Science Behind Why Your Dog Looks and Acts Like You

Japanese psychologist Sadahiko Nakajima also conducted a similar experiment.His subjects were more numerous, and his experiment scope was broader, with the final accuracy rate also being very high.

Isn't it amazing?So, when you walk your dog outside, in the eyes of passersby, you might look inexplicably similar.

03. How to Explain This Phenomenon?

The Science Behind Why Your Dog Looks and Acts Like You

Why does this phenomenon of pets and owners "looking more alike" occur?

Reason 1: Choice

First of all, most pets are actively chosen by their owners.When making choices, humans often subconsciously select familiar or similar things.

In psychology, this phenomenon is called the "mere exposure effect."That is to say, when you chose your pet, among all other factors being equal, the one you picked was the one that "looked a bit like" you.

The so-called "eye contact" might stem from this.

Reason 2: Coexistence

The Science Behind Why Your Dog Looks and Acts Like You

Long-term coexistence will make pets closer to their owners' personalities.You need to know that dogs have a strong ability to learn and imitate.

In daily interactions, dogs can observe their owners' every move to gauge their mood changes.They then adjust their behavior and emotions based on their owners' mood changes.

Additionally, the way you treat your dog subtly influences the dog's personality.So, spending time together makes your temperaments and personalities more alike.

In the end, dogs resemble you more because they love you.

So, have you noticed your dog starting to look more like you?

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